Functional groups such as alcohols, alkenes and carboxylic acids can be identified through simple test tube reactions. These reactions cause colour changes which indicate the presence or absence of a particular functional group.
Testing to identify the type of alcohol
Alcohols can be oxidised and the product formed depends on which type of alcohol is present. Primary alcohols such as ethanol are oxidised to form aldehydes, which can be further oxidised to form carboxylic acids. Secondary alcohols such as 2-propanol are oxidised to form ketones. Tertiary alcohols such as 2-methylpropan-2-ol are not easily oxidised.
These oxidation reactions are used to identify which type of alcohol is present. Acidified potassium dichromate is an oxidising agent which can be used for this reaction.
Potassium dichromate reaction
Adding 10 drops of alcohol to 2cm3 of acidified potassium dichromate(VI) and warming the mixture gently will form a colour change if oxidation has taken place. This is because the orange dichromate(VI) ions are reduced to green chromium(III) ions.
Primary alcohol - orange solution turns green (aldehyde forms)
Secondary alcohol - orange slowly turns green (ketone forms)
Tertiary alcohol - no colour change (no oxidation)
Aldehyde vs ketone
The above reaction shows that there is the same colour change expected in the formation of both aldehydes and ketones therefore further testing is needed to differentiate between the two.
The products of the oxidation reaction need to be distilled immediately and tested. There are three main reagents which are used, Fehling's solution, Benedict's solution and Tollens' reagent. All of these tests involve gentle oxidation of aldehydes to carboxylic acids. Ketones cannot be changed by gentle oxidation.
Tollens' reagent
Tollens' test is also called the silver mirror test. Tollens' is a solution of silver nitrate in aqueous ammonia which oxidises an aldehyde but will not oxide a ketone.
Tollens' test
2cm3of 0.10moldm−3silver nitrate solution is added to a test tube with a few drops of sodium hydroxide solution
This should form a brown precipitate, slowly add drops of dilute ammonia until this precipitate dissolves completely
The test tube is placed in a hot water bath along with 10 drops of the unknown solution
As the aldehyde oxidises the colourless silver(I) complex ions, containing Ag+ are reduced to metallic silver. These will form a 'silver mirror' on the inside of the test tube. If a ketone is present, nothing will happen.
Fehling's solution and Benedict's solution
Fehling's reagent is also a gently oxidising agent. This agent contains blue copper(II) complex ions which will also oxidise aldehydes but not ketones. If an aldehyde is present, the blue copper(II) complex ions will reduce to a red precipitate of copper(I) oxide. If a ketone is present, nothing will happen.
Benedict's solution behaves the exact same way.
Fehling's/Benedict's solution test
2cm3 of either reagent is added to a test tube along with 5 drops of an unknown solution
The test tubes are placed in a bath for a few minutes
Upon warming, the blue to red colour change will indicate the presence of an aldehyde.
Testing for alkenes
Bromine water
Bromine water can be used to test for alkenes by testing for the presence of a double bond. Bromine will be added to the double bond of an alkene, by electrophilic addition and causes a change in solution colour.
Bromine water test
2cm3 of unknown solution is added to a test tube with 2cm3 of bromine water
The test tube is shaken and the solution will change from orange to colourless if an alkene is present
Testing for carboxylic acids
Sodium carbonate
Carboxylic acids will react with a carbonate to form a salt, water and carbon dioxide (CO2). The presence of CO2 will cause a solution limewater to fizz, and can therefore be used to test for the presence of a carboxylic acid.
Add a small amount of sodium carbonate to a test tube containing the unknown solution
Connect this tube to another test tube containing limewater
If a carboxylic acid is present, carbon dioxide will be produced in the first test tube and enter the second test tube.
The carbon dioxide will cause the limewater to become cloudy.
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FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
How do you test for -COOH (carboxylic acid) group?
Carboxylic acids will react with a carbonate to form a salt, water and carbon dioxide. The presence of carbon dioxide will cause a solution of limewater to fizz, and can therefore be used to test for the presence of a carboxylic acid.
What is Fehling's test used for?
Fehling's reagent is a gently oxidising agent, if an aldehyde is present, the blue copper(II) complex ions will reduce to a red precipitate of copper(I) oxide.
What does Tollens' test show?
Tollens' test will test for the presence of an aldehyde. As the aldehyde oxidises the colourless silver(I) complex ions are reduced to metallic silver.