Fractions as numbers
In a nutshell
A fraction is a part of a whole number and a way to split a number up into equal parts. Fractions can be read in different ways:
- As a division of two numbers: numerator divided by denominator. For example, 3÷4=43
- As a part of a unit or whole number: For example, 1 brownie from a tray of 6 brownies −61
Example 1
A pizza is cut into 6 equal pieces.
A piece: 61
Two pieces: 62
All six pieces: 66
Example 2
A set of counters has 25 pieces.
One counter: 251
Three rows of counters: 2515
Fractions as words
You can write fractions both in number and word form. Below are the word forms of fractions from one whole to one tenth.
Whole | |
Half | |
Third | |
Quarter | |
Fifth | |
Sixth | |
Seventh | |
Eighth | |
Ninth | |
Tenth | |
Writing fractions
- Determine how many equal parts there are in total. Write this number as the denominator.
- Count the number of equal parts that are highlighted. Write this number as the numerator.
Example 3
Tina takes three bottles of water from the set of bottles below.
Number of parts there are in total:
Number of parts Tina took:
Tina's fraction of the total: