Select an option
DNA: structure, genes and chromosomes
Meiosis, sexual and asexual reproduction
Inheritance and genetic diagrams
Inherited disorders
Types and sources of variation
Evolution by natural selection
Antibiotic resistance: causes and prevention
Selective breeding
Uses and evaluation of genetic engineering
The process of genetic engineering - Higher
Classifying living organisms
The lid of the Petri dish should be sealed with adhesive tape to stop microorganisms from the air contaminating the plate. However, it shouldn't be completely sealed as this will encourage the growth of anaerobic bacteria that are likely to be pathogens.
One example of an aseptic technique is inoculating loops should be sterilised in a hot flame and then cooled before being used to transfer microorganisms to the growth medium.
Aseptic techniques are techniques to follow that prevent contamination from microorganisms in the air and on surfaces.