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Tips for reading

Tips for reading

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Docente: Carolina


Tips for reading

​​In a Nutshell

Ler facilmente textos em inglês é uma das competências-base que deves adquirir, principalmente por ser uma componente de avaliação em muitos exames de inglês. 

Primary reading

Take notes

It is always a good idea to have a pen handy while reading to mark words or phrases that you consider important or difficult to pronounce. You can also write down the key words in the text you are reading.

Mark essential parts

In order to understand the development of a story, you need to keep pointing out the essential parts so that you never get lost.

Unknown vocabulary

If you come across a word that you don't know, you should highlight it and try to find out what it means. You can usually get there by looking up the context in which the word appears, but if you have a dictionary handy, you can simply look up the meaning there.

Unknown vocabulary versus Smooth reading

If you come across an unfamiliar word that isn't particularly important, don't look it up immediately - you'll be able to understand what it means through its context and so you won't lose your reading flow.


You should pay special attention to the words that link sentences to each other, particularly the connectors, as they dictate the meaning of the sentences you are reading, as well as the tense of the sentence.

Textual understanding

In all English tests and assessments there will usually be a reading comprehension block, which means you will have some texts to read and analyse as well as interpret, and then answer questions about your reading.

Stay calm

At any time of formal assessment, it is normal not to understand everything that is presented to you at first glance - there is no need to panic! Even if you don't know all the words, try to understand them in context and use a dictionary (if possible).

Action words

Usually, every task you are given will have words that tell you exactly what is expected and asked for in the task - read them and sign them so you don't risk doing something you haven't been asked to do.

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