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Tips for speaking

Tips for speaking

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Vídeo Explicativo

Docente: Inês


Tips for Speaking

​​In a Nutshell

Neste resumo vais descobrir algumas dicas que te vão ajudar a preparar qualquer tipo de discurso que possas vir a ter, em inglês. Vais aprender a melhorar o teu vocabulário para quando tiveres, por exemplo, uma apresentação na escola. 

Tips and tricks for speaking

In order for you to prepare any type of oral presentation you should consider:

  1. Researching the topic, using English sources;
  2. Structure the information;
  3. Search for surprising and interesting information about the topic, to make it more engaging;
  4. Think about the introduction.


It's normal to be nervous while talking in public. But take these steps into consideration:

  • Keep the most essential information on paper, or if you're using a system like PowerPoint write it in the slides;
  • Introduce your topic and say how your presentation is going to flow;
  • Don't try to make it too fancy. Simple is better;
  • Don't forget the conclusion. Talk about the most critical topics again;
  • To summarize: don't get lost In the transitions. Try to make all the information connect naturally. 

Vocabulary to use in presentations

Depending on what you are presenting, there is a specific vocabulary for each situation. You may be presenting an image, a poster, a graph, or a book. 



Today I'm going to talk about...
Hoje vou falar sobre...
First I'm going to present...
Primeiro vou apresentar...
As shown in this part of...
Como podem ver nesta parte...
This section is about...
Esta parte é sobre...
This picture shows...
Esta imagem mostra...
As you can see...
Como podem ver...
It is important to know that...
É importante saber que...
In conclusion...
Para concluir...
Thank you for your attention.
Obrigada pela vossa atenção. 

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FAQs - Perguntas Frequentes

What are some tips to organize a presentation?

What vocabulary can be used during a presentation?

What are some tips to use when preparing an oral presentation in English?


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