To be: present and present continuous
Have got: modes and answers
Pronouns: object, personal and more
Possessive determinants
Connectors: addition, cause and more
Modal verbs: can, will, must
Prepositions of place and movement
Adjectives: singular, plural and degree
Adverbs: place, quantity and frequency
Irregular verbs: To be and To have
When and while: definition and examples
Vocabulary: countries and nationalities
Vocabulary: House activities
Cardinal numbers
Holiday activities, packing, clothes and acessories
Vocabulary: Summer activities
Daily routines and house chores
Sports and the verbs To play, To go and To do
Vocabulary: Family
Food, drinks and commonly used verbs
Physical appearence and psycological description
Vocabulary: Public places
Going to the beach.
Atividades de verão.