Question words
To do: present perfect, future and more
Pronouns: object, personal and more
Possessive determinants
Indefinite/definite article: a, an, the
Possessive case: singular and plural
Connectors: addition, cause and more
Quantifiers: any, a few, a lot
Imperative: how to use
Prepositions of place and movement
Adjectives: singular, plural and degree
Vocabulary: countries and nationalities
Vocabulary: Outdoor activities
Days of the week, months of the year
Subjects and parts of the school
1 to 20, dozens and ordinal numbers
Cardinal numbers
Means of transport and verbs
Vocabulary: Jobs
Vocabulary: Clothes and accessories
Holiday activities, packing, clothes and acessories
Food, drinks and commonly used verbs
Physical appearence and psycological description
Vocabulary: Public places
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Andar de bicicleta.
São atividades ao ar livre.