Present Perfect Simple: Structure and Contractions
Present Perfect Continuous: Structure and Contractions
Past Perfect Simple: Structure and When To Use It
Future: Will and Be Going
Future Continuous: Structure and When To Use It
Present Tenses: Simple, Continuous and Perfect
Past Tenses: Simple, Continuous and Perfect
Future Tenses: Simple and Present Continuous
Combining Tenses: Creating Complex Sentences
Future Perfect: Structure and When To Use It
Personal Information: Basic Questions, Details and Meeting
Preparing for Future Events: Plans and Arrangements
Suggestions and Advices: Shall, How About, Should or Would
Order in a Restaurant: Food, Drinks and the Bill
Asking For and Giving Directions to a Place
Questions and Answers: Yes, No and Interrogative Pronouns
Used To: Expressing Habits
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
Modal Verbs: Would, May/Might, Will and Have to
Conditionals and Time Clauses: Use, Components and Types
Reported Speech and Reporting Verbs
Passive Voice: Impersonal Construction
Relative Clauses: Use, Components and Types
Gerund and Infinitive: Meaning according to the context
Irregular Verbs: Infinitive, Past and Participle
Weather and Seasons: Talking About the Climate
Common Adjectives: Describing People, Places or Things
Transport: Different Ways of Moving
Action, Adventure and Activities: Exploring the World
Kitchen: Cooking Utensils and Appliances
Geographical Features: Places and Phenomenology
Town: Typical Places in a City
Jobs: When I grow up, I want to be...
Holidays: Visiting New Locations
Relationships: Bulding Connections
Crime: Talking About Criminal Behaviour and Justice
Animals: Wild and Domestic
Crear una cuenta para empezar los ejercicios
Se usan adjetivos y adverbios que añaden atractivo al texto.
1. Título que resume de manera clara y sencilla el suceso. 2. Entradilla donde se concentran los datos esenciales: "what", "when", "where", "who" y "why". 3. Cuerpo de la noticia con detalles sobre el suceso.
Es una noticia, es decir, un tipo de texto en el que se informa de algo que ha ocurrido. Incluye información básica sobre un hecho y sus consecuencias.