Personal Information: Basic Questions, Details and Meeting
Effective Speaking Strategies: Tips for Improvement
Preparing for Future Events: Plans and Arrangements
Expressing Regret: Conveying Sorrow and Apologies
Questions and Answers: Yes, No and Interrogative Pronouns
Speculating and Deductions: Expressing Possibilities
Used To: Expressing Habits
Modal Verbs: Would, May/Might, Will and Have to
Conditionals and Time Clauses: Use, Components and Types
Quantifiers: Some, Any, Much and Many
Reported Speech and Reporting Verbs
Passive Voice: Impersonal Construction
Causative: Have/Get Something
Relative Clauses: Use, Components and Types
Gerund and Infinitive: Meaning according to the context
Irregular Verbs: Infinitive, Past and Participle
Common Adjectives: Describing People, Places or Things
Food and Containers
Town: Typical Places in a City
Body: Parts of the Human Body
Recycling: Environment and Sources of Energy
City Life: Exploring the Urban Lifestyle
Relationships: Bulding Connections
Animals: Wild and Domestic
Consumers: Buying Habits and Marketing
Puedes usar expresiones como "Sorry, but...", "I don't feel like doing that", "I'd love to, but..." o "I'm out!".
Algunas expresiones útiles son "That's good for me", "That sounds great", "That's cool" o "I'm in!".
Puedes usar diferentes expresiones y formas verbales. 1. Let's: proponer un plan 2: How about and what about: preguntar a alguien qué le parece un plan 3: Present simple: preguntar o decir qué apetece hacer 4. Present Continuous: hablar de planes ya programados 5: Going to: hablar de intención de hacer algo en el futuro 6: Future continuous: hablar de acciones que ocurrirán durante un momento determinado