Personal Information: Basic Questions, Details and Meeting
Preparing for Future Events: Plans and Arrangements
Suggestions and Advices: Shall, How About, Should or Would
Phone Conversations: Greeting and Puting On Hold
Order in a Restaurant: Food, Drinks and the Bill
Asking For and Giving Directions to a Place
Adverbs: Expressions of Frequency
Verbs ending with "-ing"
Possessive Adjectives: Expressing Posession
Quantifiers with Countable and Uncountable Nouns
Have got: Expressing Possession
There Is and There Are: Expressing the Existence of Something
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
Pronouns: Classification and Types
Modal Verbs: Can/Could, Must and Should
Quantifiers: Some, Any, Much and Many
Imperatives: Ordering or Suggesting
Irregular Verbs: Infinitive, Past and Participle
Family Members: Identifying Relationships
Ordinal Numbers: Reading and Writing Dates
Daily Routines: Activities and Lifestyle
Weather and Seasons: Talking About the Climate
High School: Subjects, Materials and Rooms
Sports: To Play, To Do and To Go
Likes and Dislikes: Expressing Your Preferences
Common Adjectives: Describing People, Places or Things
Transport: Different Ways of Moving
Action, Adventure and Activities: Exploring the World
Music: Genres and Musical Instruments
Food and Containers
Clothes and Accessories: Talking About Clothing
Geographical Features: Places and Phenomenology
Town: Typical Places in a City
History: Romans and Ancient Rome
Technology and Entertainment: Electronic Devices
"Should" es un verbo modal que se usa para dar y pedir consejos, ya que expresa que es correcto hacer algo (aunque no sea obligatorio hacerlo).
"Must" es un verbo modal que se usa para expresar obligación, pero también para hablar sobre algo que crees que probablemente sucederá o para recomendar algo con mucho énfasis.
Un verbo modal es un verbo auxiliar que acompaña a un verbo principal y le da un significado determinado. Por ejemplo, "You swim" significa "Tú nadas", pero "You must swim" significa "Tú debes nadar": se le añade obligación.