Present Perfect Simple: Structure and Contractions
Present Perfect Continuous: Structure and Contractions
Past Perfect Simple: Structure and When To Use It
Future: Will and Be Going
Future Continuous: Structure and When To Use It
Present Tenses: Simple, Continuous and Perfect
Past Tenses: Simple, Continuous and Perfect
Future Tenses: Simple and Present Continuous
Combining Tenses: Creating Complex Sentences
Future Perfect: Structure and When To Use It
Personal Information: Basic Questions, Details and Meeting
Preparing for Future Events: Plans and Arrangements
Suggestions and Advices: Shall, How About, Should or Would
Order in a Restaurant: Food, Drinks and the Bill
Asking For and Giving Directions to a Place
Questions and Answers: Yes, No and Interrogative Pronouns
Used To: Expressing Habits
Comparative and Superlative Adjectives
Modal Verbs: Would, May/Might, Will and Have to
Conditionals and Time Clauses: Use, Components and Types
Reported Speech and Reporting Verbs
Passive Voice: Impersonal Construction
Relative Clauses: Use, Components and Types
Gerund and Infinitive: Meaning according to the context
Irregular Verbs: Infinitive, Past and Participle
Weather and Seasons: Talking About the Climate
Common Adjectives: Describing People, Places or Things
Transport: Different Ways of Moving
Action, Adventure and Activities: Exploring the World
Kitchen: Cooking Utensils and Appliances
Geographical Features: Places and Phenomenology
Town: Typical Places in a City
Jobs: When I grow up, I want to be...
Holidays: Visiting New Locations
Relationships: Bulding Connections
Crime: Talking About Criminal Behaviour and Justice
Animals: Wild and Domestic
Se dice: "compass".
Puedes usar: "tent" (tienda de campaña), "map" (mapa), etc.
¡Puedes usar muchos! Por ejemplo, "torch" (linterna), "binoculars" (prismáticos), etc.