Countries and Nationalities
House: Domestic Life
Jobs: When I grow up, I want to be...
Daily Routines: Activities and Lifestyle
Sports: To Play, To Do and To Go
Patterns and Materials: Talking About Clothing
Family Members: Identifying Relationships
Food and Containers
Appearance and Characters: Describing People
Common Adjectives: Describing People, Places or Things
Common Phrasal verbs
Crear una cuenta para empezar los ejercicios
"Bye bye" se utiliza con amigos o con gente con la que tengas mucha confianza.
Puedes despedirte diciendo "goodbye", "bye bye", "see you later", "see you soon" o "take care".
Puedes saludar diciendo "hello", "hi", "good morning", "good afternoon", "good evening" o "good night".