Countries and Nationalities
Organizing Time: Days of the Week and Months of the Year
Ordinal Numbers: Ordering Items
Weather: Talking About the Climate
Transport: Different Ways of Moving
Jobs: When I grow up, I want to be...
Technology: Electronic Devices
Clothes and Accessories: Talking About Clothing
Holidays: Summer and Free Time
Daily Routines: Activities and Lifestyle
Food and Containers
Appearance and Characters: Describing People
Common Adjectives: Describing People, Places or Things
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Para negar con "Have to" tienes que usar el "do not" ("don't") o, para la 3ª persona del singular, el "does not" ("doesn't"). Por ejemplo: She doesn't have to come here (Ella no tiene que venir aquí).
Para preguntar con "Have to" tienes que seguir este orden: Do / Does + sujeto + have to + verbo en infinitivo + ... ? Por ejemplo: Do I have to read this book? (¿Tengo que leer este libro?).
"Have to" se usa para expresar una obligación: You have to clean your room! (¡Tienes que limpiar tu habitación!).