The Earth takes 24hours to complete one rotation on its axis. When parts of the Earth face the Sun it is daytime. When they are in shadow it is nighttime. The Sun appears to move east to west, but it is the Earth's rotation which causes this illusion.
Day and night
Day is when the Sun appears in the sky, and night is when it is not. It takes the Earth 24hours to complete one full rotation, which is how one full day (day and night) is defined.
One half of the Earth is always facing the Sun, and one half is always in shadow. As the Earth rotates, different parts of the Earth face the Sun, which is daytime. Other parts will not face the Sun, which is nighttime.
Earth's Axis
Day time
Night time
Sun rays
When it is 12pm in the UK, it is not necessarily the same time in other parts of the world. This is due to Earths rotation, and the position of other countries. Therefore, some countries will already have experienced midday before you do and others will still be in the early hours of the morning.
evulpo HQ is in Switzerland, which is 1hour ahead of the UK. This means that when it is midday in the UK, it is 1pm in Switzerland!
The Sun in the sky
The Sun appears to move in the sky, but it is actually the Earth rotating that causes this impression. The Sun rises in the East, and sets in the West. This is due to the direction in which the Earth is rotating.
During the summer, the Sun also appears higher in the sky in the UK. This is because the Earth is rotating at an angle, also known as its axis. During the summer in the UK, the North Pole will be tilted towards the Sun, and in the winter it will be tilted away.
The stars in the sky
At nighttime, the stars also appear to move, due to the Earth's rotation. During different seasons, the stars in the sky will change. This is because the Earth is now at a different point in its journey around the Sun. You are actually seeing a whole new set of stars.
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FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
Why do the Sun and the stars appear to move in the sky?
The Sun and stars appear to move in the sky because the Earth is rotating. The Sun and stars don't move much in comparison to the Earth.
Why is there day and night?
Day occurs when part of the Earth faces the Sun. As the Earth rotates, that part will face away from the Sun causing nighttime.