All materials are either conductors or insulators depending on how they let electricity flow through them. A mixture of both conductors and insulators are used when making electrical appliances safe and efficient.
Conductors allow electricity to flow very easily. For this reason conductors are used a lot with electrical appliances.
Insulators do not allow current to flow through them very easily. This is why they are used as safety barriers against electricity.
A plug will have a plastic casing and the wire will have a plastic sleeve on it. Plastic is a very good insulator and will stop you getting a shock when you plug the plug into the wall.
The parts of the plug which need to conduct electricity like the wire and the pins, will be made out of a good conductor like copper.
The reason a material is either a conductor or an insulator depends on what it is made out of. A lot of metals are conductors and a lot of plastics are insulators.
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Conductors and insulators of electricity
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FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
Why is a material conductive or insulative?
A material's conductivity depends on what it is made out of.
What is an insulator?
Insulators do not allow current to flow through them very easily.