Living things and their habitats
What is a vertebrate?
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Vertebrates are animals with a backbone. They can be further divided into five groups: mammals, birds, reptiles, fish and amphibians.
Body hair or fur, breathe through lungs, a steady body temperature and babies that are born live and drink milk.
Fox, human and lion.
Feathers, breathe through lungs, a steady body temperature and lay eggs.
Chicken, falcon and penguin.
Dry scales, breathe through lungs, body temperature changes and lay eggs.
Crocodile, snake and tortoise.
Scales, breathe through gills, body temperature changes and lay soft eggs in water.
Goldfish, salmon and shark.
Damp skin, breathe through gills and then lungs, body temperature changes and lay soft eggs in water.
Frog, newt and toad.
Classification keys can help us identify animals and plants. The classification key below can help us identify the different groups of vertebrates.
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Classification keys can help us identify animals and plants.
The five main types of vertebrate are mammals, birds, fish, amphibians and reptiles.
Vertebrates are animals with a backbone.