


Types of soil and how they are formed

Explainer Video

Tutor: Holly


Types of soil and how they are formed

​​In a nutshell

Soil is vital for plants to grow and contains a large amount of living things. There are different types of soil, because rocks are a component of soil and not all rocks are the same.

What makes up soil?

Soil is made from rocks, humus (decomposed material), air and water. Soil also contains microbes along with insects, that break down dead plants and animals, providing new nutrients to the soil.

Science; Rocks; KS2 Year 3; Types of soil and how they are formed

Different soils

Soils have different properties because the rocks they are made up from can be very different. The table below explains three types of soil.

Type of soil


Contains small stones, water drains through this soil quickly.
Dry and light soil, containing air gaps that allow the drainage of water quickly.
Heavy soil that becomes sticky when wet. Water does not drain through this soil quickly.

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Types of soil and how they are formed

Unit 3

Types of soil and how they are formed

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Why is soil so important?

What breaks down decomposing matter in soil?

What is soil made of?
