The binomial expansion formula allows you to expand expressions of the form (a+bx)n for any real constants a, b and n. You can use this to compute the expansions of expressions which can be expressed as the product or sum of terms of the form (a+bx)n.
Sums of binomial expansions
If you know the binomial expansions of (a+bx)n and (c+dx)m, then the expansion of (a+bx)n+(c+dx)m is the sum of their respective expansions. In other words, the coefficient of xk in the expansion of (a+bx)n+(c+dx)m is the sum of the coefficients of xk in the expansions of (a+bx)n and (c+dx)m.
The range of values of x for which this expansion will hold is the interval for which both the expansions of (a+bx)n and (c+dx)m hold, so if ba≤dc then this is ∣x∣<ba.
The same holds when adding more than two terms of the form (a+bx)n together, and the range of values for which the expansion of the sum will hold is the range of values for which the expansion holds for all of the terms being summed simultaneously.
Example 1
Find the terms up to the x2 term in the expansion of 2x2+x−13x, and the range of values of x for which the expansion holds.
Factorise the quadratic in the denominator to get that 2x2+x−13x=(2x−1)(x+1)3x.
Use partial fractions to find values of A and B such that (2x−1)(x+1)3x=2x−1A+x+1B.
Therefore, the terms up to the x2 term in the expansion of 2x2+x−13x are −3x−3x2−… and this expansion holds when ∣x∣<21.
Products of binomial expansions
To compute the expansion of (a+bx)n(c+dx)m up to the xk term, compute the expansions of both (a+bx)n and (c+dx)m up to the xk term, and take the product of these.
The range of values of x for which this expansion holds is the interval for which both the expansions of (a+bx)n and (c+dx)m hold, so if ba≤dc then this is ∣x∣<ba.
The same holds when adding more than two terms of the form (a+bx)n together, and the range of values for which the expansion of the sum will hold is the range of values for which the expansion holds for all of the terms being summed simultaneously.
Example 2
Find the coefficient of the x2 term in the expansion of:
Therefore, the coefficient of the x2 term in the expansion of 3x2+4x+421−x is −241.
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Binomial expansion
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FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
What is the coefficient of x^k in the expansion of (a+bx)^n + (c+dx)^m?
The coefficient of x^k in the expansion of (a+bx)^n+(c+dx)^m is the sum of the coefficients of x^k in the expansions of (a+bx)^n and
How do I work out the expansion of a sum of binomials?
If you know the expansions of (a+bx)^n and (c+dx)^m, then the expansion of (a+bx)^n + (c+dx)^m is the sum of their respective expansions.
How do I work out the expansion of a product of binomials?
To compute the expansion of (a+bx)^n(c+dx)^m up to the x^k term, compute the expansions of both (a+bx)^n and (c+dx)^m up to the x^k term, and take the product of these.