The trigonometric ratios of sin, cos and tan can be given a geometric interpretation with the help of the unit circle centred at the origin. This lesson will cover this relationship, as well as the CAST method used to determine for which values of θ each of sin(θ), cos(θ) and tan(θ) take on positive or negative values.
Angles in the unit circle
Angles in the four quadrants can be represented by points on the unit circle, as shown.
P is a point on the unit circle centred at O.
The angle between the positive x-axis and the line segment OP, measured counterclockwise from the positive x-axis.
The y-coordinate of P.
The x-coordinate of P.
The slope of the line through the origin which passes through P.
These descriptions give a procedure for finding the values of sin(θ), cos(θ) or tan(θ) for any value of θ.
Draw a line from the origin at an angle of θ degrees (measured anticlockwise from the positive x-axis).
Find the point where this line intersects the unit circle centred at the origin, call it P.
Identify the x and y values of P - these are cos(θ) and sin(θ) respectively.
Compute the ratio cos(θ)sin(θ) - this is tan(θ), which is also the gradient of the line.
Negative values of θare measured clockwise from the positive x-axis. For example, when θ=−45∘, measure 45∘ clockwise from the positive x-axis to find P=(22,−22).
Note: For any angle θ, the point P generated by the above procedure is the same as the point P generated by θ±360∘. This indicates that sin and cos are periodic, repeating every 360∘. This also allows you to convert any angle θ into an angle θ′ such that 0∘≤θ′<360∘ by repeatedly adding or subtracting multiplies of 360∘ to θ.
Example 1
What is the value oftan(135∘)?
Draw a line at an angle of 135∘ counterclockwise from the positive x-axis, and observe that this line lies halfway between the negative x-axis and the positive y-axis. It must be the case that for any points (x,y) lying on this line, y=−x. It follows that the point P=(−22,22), and the slope of the line through the origin which passes through the point P must be −1 .
The CAST diagram
A simple way to determine whether sin(θ), cos(θ) or tan(θ) are positive or negative is via a handy mnemonic, where the plane is divided into four quadrants labelled with cos, all, sin and tan. This is referred to as the CAST diagram, as this is what the first letters of each quadrant spell when read counterclockwise starting from the bottom right.
Each of sin(θ), cos(θ) and tan(θ) are positive only when θ is either in the quadrant labelled "All", or the quadrant they share a name with. For example, cos(θ) is positive only in the bottom right and top right quadrants.
Example 2
Is sin(−60∘) positive or negative?
−60∘+360∘=300∘, so equivalently consider sin(300∘).
270∘<300∘<360∘, so this falls into the cos quadrant of the CAST diagram.
Deduce that only cos(−60∘) is positive, whereas sin(−60∘) and tan(−60∘) are negative.
Therefore,sin(−60°) is negative.
Acute angle identities
For any angle, there is an acute angle 0≤θ≤90∘ such that the angle is equivalent to one of θ, 180∘±θ, or 360∘−θ. You can use this with the CAST diagram to express sin, cos and tan in terms of sin(θ), cos(θ) and tan(θ), where θ is the acute angle made with the x-axis, via these rules:
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FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
How many degrees make up a quadrant?
A quadrant is made up of 90 degrees.
What are the rules for quadrants?
The plane is divided into four quadrants labelled with cos, all, sin and tan. This is refered to as the CAST diagram, as this is what the first letters of each quadrant spell when read counterclockwise starting from the bottom right.
How do I know which quadrant to use in trigonometry?
A simple way to determine whether sin, cos or tan are positive or negative is via a handy mnemonic, where the plane is divided into four quadrants labelled with cos, all, sin and tan. This is referred to as the CAST diagram, as this is what the first letters of each quadrant spell when read counterclockwise starting from the bottom right.