Fractions, decimals and percentages
In a nutshell
Fractions, decimals and percentages can all be used to represent numbers. Percentages are typically used for comparing one quantity against another, while fractions and decimals are used to represent quantities.
Converting between fractions and decimals
Fractions to decimals
To convert from a fraction to a decimal, perform short division by dividing the numerator by the denominator to obtain the decimal form.
Decimals to fractions
| For terminating decimals, multiply the decimal by a number like 10 or 100 to make the last digit of the decimal move to the units column. This forms the numerator. |
2. | The denominator of the fraction is the number you multiplied by in step 1 ( 10 or 100 etc). |
3. | Simplify the fraction (if required). |
Example 1
Convert 1.375 into a fraction in its simplest form.
Hence 1.375=10001375=200275=4055=811
Converting between decimals and percentages
Decimals to percentages
To convert from a decimal to a percentage, multiply the decimal by 100 and put a % sign at the end of the number.
Percentages to decimals
To convert from a percentage to a decimal, divide the percentage by 100 and remove the % sign at the end of the number.
Converting between fractions and percentages
In order to convert between fractions and percentages use the decimal form as an intermediate step.
Example 2
The following are examples of the same number in fraction, decimal and percentage form: