Fractions are used to represent ratios or percentages. A fraction is displayed with a numerator (the top number) and denominator (the bottom number).
Numerators and denominators
When using fractions, the numerator and the denominator should be whole numbers. The denominator of a fraction cannot equal zero.
Equivalent fractions
Fractions that are equivalent are the same in value. They have different denominators and numerators, but when simplified they are the same.
To determine whether two fractions are equivalent, simply divide the top and bottom by the same value until they cannot be divided any further. Those that lead to the same result are equivalent.
Example 1
Are 279 and 93 equivalent?
Simplify each fraction.
Both fractions simplify to a third and so they are equivalent.
Finding fractions of quantities
Finding a fraction of a quantity involves multiplying the quantity by the fraction you need to find. There are also some simple fractions that are easy to calculate which can help you.
Using simple fractions
You can use simple fractions to work out one part and then multiply by the numerator.
To work out 41, divide by four.
To work out 21, divide by two.
To work out 101, divide by ten.
To work out 1001, divide by one hundred.
Note: To work out one out of any value, simply divide by the denominator!
Example 2
What is 103 of 82?
Use simple fractions to work out one tenth.
Multiply by three to get three tenths.
Multiplying by the fraction
Multiplying a quantity by a fraction is another way of finding that fraction of the quantity. You may be asked to do this without a calculator.
Example 3
What is 187 of 144?
Multiply 187 by 144.
Converting between improper fractions and mixed numbers
Another useful skill is being able to convert between mixed numbers and improper fractions.
Proper fraction - A fraction where the denominator is greater than the numerator.
Improper fraction - A fraction where the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator (also known as top-heavy).
Mixed number - A whole number and a proper fraction combined.
Converting from an improper fraction to a mixed number
Divide the numerator by the denominator.
Write the whole number part as an integer.
Write the remainder as a fraction: with the remainder as the numerator and the original denominator.
Simplify the fraction (if required).
Example 4
Convert 1092 to a mixed number.
Divide 92 by 10.
92÷10=9 remainder 2
Write 9 as the integer and 2 as the fraction part.
Simplify the fraction.
Converting a mixed number to an improper fraction
Multiply the whole number by the denominator.
Add the result to the numerator.
Write the result as the numerator of the improper fraction over the original denominator.
Example 5
Convert 652to an improper fraction.
Multiply six by five.
Add two and rewrite as a fraction.
Addition and subtraction
You can add and subtract fractions without using a calculator.
Make the denominator of each fraction the same, by either finding the LCM of the denominators and multiplying, or just multiplying the two denominators together.
Add or subtract the numerators of the fractions, keeping the denominator the same.
Simplify the resulting fraction (if required).
Example 6
Calculate 2431−1611, writing your answer as a fraction in its simplest form.
Find the LCM.
The LCM of 24 and 16 is 48.
Multiply to get the same denominators.
Take away the numerators.
Multiplication and division
Multiplying and dividing fractions is often more simple than adding and subtracting as you don't need to change the denominator.
To multiply two fractions, simply multiply the numerator by the numerator and the denominator by the denominator.
Example 7
Calculate 162×413, writing your answer as a fraction in its simplest form.
Multiply the top and the bottom, simplifying as you go.
Swap the numerator and denominator of the dividing fraction and change the sign from division to multiplication.
Multiply the numerators of both fractions.
Multiply the denominators of both fractions.
Simplify the resulting fraction (if required).
Example 8
Calculate 4628÷127, writing your answer as a fraction in its simplest form.
Flip the 127 and change the sign.
Carry out the multiplication.
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FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
What is the difference between an improper fraction and mixed number?
An improper fraction is a fraction where the numerator is greater than or equal to the denominator (also known as top-heavy) whereas a mixed number is made up of a whole number and a proper fraction.
How do I multiply and divide fractions?
To multiply two fractions, simply multiply the numerator by the numerator and the denominator by the denominator. To divide one fraction by another, take the divisor and switch the numerator and denominator. Then switch the division sign to a multiplication.
How do I calculate a fraction of a quantity?
You can use simple fractions to work out one part and then multiply by the numerator or simply multiply the quantity by the fraction.
How do I add and subtract fractions?
To add or subtract fractions they must have the same denominator (the bottom value). If the denominators are already the same then it is just a matter of either adding or subtracting the numerators (the top value). If the denominators are different, then a common denominator needs to be found.