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Geometry - position and direction

Drawing and reflecting shapes on the coordinate grid

Drawing and reflecting shapes on the coordinate grid

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Tutor: Labib


Drawing and reflecting shapes on the coordinate grid

​​In a nutshell

You will look at moving shapes by reflection in the xx or yy axis. Like a mirror, a reflection will flip the position of an object to the opposite side. Therefore, to reflect points or shapes, you will be learning to use all four quadrants.

Reflection in the xx axis​

The xx axis is the horizontal axis on the coordinate plane. It can be written as the line y=0y = 0.​

Example 1

Reflect the triangle ABCABC in the xx axis. Identify the new coordinates. 




Note: Sometimes shapes will look different after being reflected.

Reflection in the yy axis

The yy axis is the vertical axis on the coordinate plane. It can be written as the line x=0x = 0.

Example 2

Reflect parallelogram one in the yy  axis.

Maths; Geometry - position and direction; KS2 Year 5; Drawing and reflecting shapes on the coordinate grid

Note: Each corner should be an equal distance from the line of reflection; in this case this is the yy​ axis.

Multiple-step reflections

You may be asked to reflect a shape multiple times. The order you reflect a shape is very important to determine its final position. 

Example 3

In the coordinate plane below, reflect square one in the line x=0x=0 followed by the line y=0y=0

Maths; Geometry - position and direction; KS2 Year 5; Drawing and reflecting shapes on the coordinate grid

Note: First you reflect the square in the yy axis, then the xx axis.  

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FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions

How can I check if I have reflected a shape properly?

What is the equation for the y axis?

What is the equation of the x axis?


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