Counting in hundredths
In a nutshell
A hundredth represents the value of the digit to the right hand side of the tenths column. A hundredth also represents one part of a whole split into one hundred equal parts. One hundredth can be written as a fraction in the form of 1001.
Example 1
Measurements can be split into 100 equal pieces called hundredths. A metre is split into 100 equal parts called centimetres.
One centimetre is one hundredth, or 1001of a metre.
Counting in hundredths
You can count up in hundredths by increasing the number on the top of the fraction. The number on the bottom of the fraction should always be 100.
Example 2
Count on in hundredths.
10035, 10036, 10037, 10038, 10039
Tip: If you are asked to count down in hundredths, you will need to decrease the number on the top of the fraction instead.