Square and cube numbers
In a nutshell
Square and cube numbers are given the name square and cube because the area of a square is a number multiplied by itself once whilst the volume of a cube is a number multiplied by itself twice. There are 10 square numbers and 4 cube numbers between 1 and 100.
Square numbers
Square numbers are made when a number is multiplied by itself once. The symbol to show a square number is 2 so, 32 means 3 squared or 3×3.
Example 1
What are the first 5 square numbers?
The first five square numbers are 1,4,9,16,25.
Cube numbers
Cube numbers are made when a number is multiplied by itself twice . The symbol to show a cube number is 3 so, 33 means 3 cubed or 3×3×3.
Example 2
What are the first 3 cube numbers?
The first three cube numbers are 1,8,27.