Roman numerals to 1000
In a nutshell
Before the numbers that are used today existed, the Romans used letters to express positive numbers.
100, 500 and 1000
Similarly to writing numbers up to 100, the numbers beyond 100 are 'built' using a combination of capital letters. The letters used to represent 100,500 and 1000 are as follows:
| 500
| 1000
| D
| M |
Every other number between 100 and 1000
To 'build' a number using Roman numerals, work out the symbols for the ones, tens and hundreds, writing each combination of letters in size order from left to right.
The rules associated with larger Roman numerals are the same as those associated with smaller ones.
Rule 1.
Numbers represented by symbols are added up from left to right.
Example 1
DCII is equal to 500+100+1+1=602
Rule 2.
The symbols are written and added in order, left to right, from largest possible values.
Example 2
812 is represented by DCCCXII =500+100+100+100+10+1+1 and not CCCCCCCCVVII =100+100+100+100+100+100+100+100+5+5+1+1.
Rule 3.
Where a smaller number is placed to the left of a larger one, take away from the value on the right. Symbols cannot be used more than three times in a row.
Example 3
400 is represented by CD =500−100=400 and not CCCC =100+100+100+100=400.
Tip: Remember that 1,5,10 and 50 in Roman numerals are I, V, X and L.
Writing years in Roman numerals
Just like any other numbers, years can be written in Roman numerals by using the above rules.
Example 4
What is 1999 in Roman numerals?
'Build' the number using the following:
Work out the correct symbols for each number using the above rules.
Write the letters in order from left to right.
Numbers greater than 3000
The final rule used in Roman numerals is as follows:
Rule 4.
For multiples of 1000 greater than 3000, use a line above the symbols for the corresponding ones values.
Example 5
The multiples of 1000 up to 10 000 are listed below:
| 2000
| 3000
| 4000
| 5000
| 6000
| 7000
| 8000
| 9000
| 10 000
| MM
| IV
| V
| VI
| IX
| X