Roman numerals to 100
In a nutshell
Before the numbers that are used today existed, the Romans used letters to express positive numbers.
1, 5, 10, 50 and 100
Up to 100, there are five capital letters used in the Roman numerals to represent 1,5,10,50 and 100:
| 5 | 10 | 50
| 100
| V | X
| L
| C
Every other number up to 100
In order to represent all the other numbers up to 100 using Roman numerals, there are a series of rules that must be followed.
Rule 1.
Numbers represented by symbols are added up from left to right.
Example 1
III is equal to 1+1+1=3
Rule 2.
The symbols are written and added in order, left to right, from largest possible values.
Example 2
56 is represented by LVI =50+5+1 and not XXXXXIIIIII =10+10+10+10+10+1+1+1+1+1+1
Rule 3.
Where a smaller number is placed to the left of a larger one, take away from the value on the right. Symbols cannot be used more than three times in a row.
Example 3
4 is represented by IV =5−1=4 and not IIII =1+1+1+1=4
Listed are the Roman numerals from one to fifty: