Numbers to 10,000,000
In a nutshell
Place value can be extended up to 10 000 000 (and beyond). To the left of the thousands column, the place value columns are ten thousands, hundred thousands, millions and ten millions. Reading, writing and comparing numbers up to 10 000 000. follows a very similar process to smaller numbers.
Reading and writing numbers to 10 000 000
When a number is written in digits, the position of the digit tells you its value. You can use place value tables to help you manage larger numbers. Place value tables allow you to separate large numbers into their respective place value columns or rows, as seen below.
Number | 12 345 678 | 76 482 915 |
Ten millions | | |
Millions | | |
Hundred thousands | | |
Ten thousands | | |
Thousands | | |
Hundreds | | |
Tens | | |
Ones | | |
Example 1
Write the number 12 345 678 in words.
Fill in the digits in a place value table, as has been written above.
Combine the millions together to get
twelve million
Then, combine the thousands together to get
three hundred and forty five thousand
Finally, combine the hundreds, tens and ones together to get
six hundred and seventy-eight
Altogether, this can be written as
Twelve hundred, three hundred and forty five thousand, six hundred and seventy-eight.
Comparing and ordering numbers up to 10 000 000
To compare two numbers, write them both in a place value chart and compare the largest digit to see which number is bigger. If the digits in the same place value row are the same, move to the next place value row. Continue this process until you reach your answer.
Example 2
Order the numbers 63 961 753, 52 852 862 and 41 743 941 from the largest to smallest.
Place these numbers into a place value table:
Number | 63 961 753 | 52 852 862 | 41 743 941 |
Ten millions | | | |
Millions | | | |
Hundred thousands | | | |
Ten thousands | | | |
Thousands | | | |
Hundreds | | | |
Tens | | | |
Ones | | | |
Compare the digit in the ten millions row to order the numbers. In this example, the digits in the ten millions row are all different, which makes it simple for you to order the numbers.
The number 63 961 753 is the largest, followed by 52 852 862 then 41 743 941.