When a word is spelt with 'sc', the sound that we hear can differ depending on the letters that come after. In this summary, you will learn how to spell and pronounce 'sc'.
'sc' pronounced as 's'
When the 'sc' spelling comes before an 'e' or 'i', then it is pronounced as 's'. These words usually have their origins in Greek or French.
Note: This same combination of letters can also produce a 'sh' sound in certain words. These words generally have their roots in other languages.
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FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions
Why is 'sc' sometimes pronounced as 'sh'?
In the cases where 'sc' is pronounced as 'sh', these words generally have their roots in other languages.
When do I pronounce 'sc' as 's'?
When the 'sc' spelling comes before an 'e' or 'i', then it is pronounced as 's'.