Verneinungen in den verschiedenen Zeitformen bilden
Das Wichtigste in Kürze
Es ist wichtig, dass Du neben den positiven Formen auch die Verneinungen von Verben kennst. In dieser Zusammenfassung lernst Du, wie Du die jeweiligen „negations“ in den verschiedenen Zeitformen bilden kannst. Die Bildung und Verwendung der einzelnen Zeitformen kannst Du in den zugehörigen Zusammenfassungen detailliert nachlesen. Wie Du Fragesätze bilden kannst, lernst Du in einer eigenen Zusammenfassung.
Info 1: Gegenwart
Bildung des „present simple“
Um die Verneinung im „present simple“ zu bilden, muss man die konjugierte Form von „do“ mit dem Verneinungswort „not“ und der Grundform des Verbs verbinden. Um die Verneinung von „to be“ zu bilden, muss man einfach die konjugierte Form von „to be“ mit „not“ kombinieren.
to play (regelm.)
to cut (unregelm.)
to be (unregelm.)
to have (unregelm.)
1. Pers. Sg.
I do not play
I don’t play
I do not cut
I don’t cut
I am not
I’m not
I do not have
I don’t have
2. Pers. Sg.
you do not play
you don’t play
you do not cut
you don’t cut
you are not
you’re not
you aren’t
you do not have
you don’t have
3. Pers. Sg.
he does not play
he doesn’t play
she does not cut
she doesn’t cut
it is not
it isn’t
it’s not
she does not have
she doesn’t have
1. Pers. Pl.
we do not play
we don’t play
we do not cut
we don’t cut
we are not
we aren’t
we’re not
we do not have
we don’t have
2. Pers. Pl.
you do not play
you don’t play
you do not cut
you don’t cut
you are not
you’re not
you aren’t
you do not have
you don’t have
3. Pers. Pl.
they do not play
they don’t play
they do not cut
they don’t cut
they are not
they’re not
they aren’t
they do not have
they don’t have
Bildung des „present continuous“
Die Verneinung des „present continuous“ bildest Du, indem Du nach dem konjugierten Hilfsverb „to be“ das Verneinungswort „not“ hinzufügst und das „present participle“ anhängst.
to play (regelm.)
to cut (unregelm.)
to be (unregelm.)
to have (unregelm.)
1. Pers. Sg.
I am not playing
I’m not playing
I am not cutting
I’m not cutting
I am not being
I’m not being
I am not having
I’m not having
2. Pers. Sg.
you are not playing
you’re not playing
you aren’t playing
you are not cutting
you’re not cutting
you aren’t cutting
you are not being
you’re not being
you aren’t being
you are not having
you’re not having
you aren’t having
3. Pers. Sg.
he is not playing
he isn’t playing
he’s not playing
she is not cutting
she isn’t cutting
she’s not cutting
it is not being
it’s not being
it isn’t being
she is not having
she’s not having
she isn’t having
1. Pers. Pl.
we are not playing
we’re not playing
we aren’t playing
we are not cutting
we’re not cutting
we aren’t cutting
we are not being
we’re not being
we aren’t being
we are not having
we’re not having
we aren’t having
2. Pers. Pl.
you are not playing
you’re not playing
you aren’t playing
you are not cutting
you’re not cutting
you aren’t cutting
you are not being
you’re not being
you aren’t being
you are not having
you’re not having
you aren’t having
3. Pers. Pl.
they are not playing
they’re not playing
they aren’t playing
they are not cutting
they’re not cutting
they aren’t cutting
they are not being
they’re not being
they aren’t being
they are not having
they’re not having
they aren’t having
Info 2: Zukunft
Bildung des „will-future“
Um die Verneinung des „will-future“ zu bilden, fügst Du nach „will“ das Verneinungswort „not“ ein und setzt die Grundform des Verbs dahinter.
to see
to be
to go
to have
1. Pers. Sg.
I will not see
I won’t see
I will not be
I won’t be
I will not go
I won’t go
I will not have
I won’t have
2. Pers. Sg.
you will not see
you won’t see
you will not be
you won’t be
you will not go
you won’t go
you will not have
you won’t have
3. Pers. Sg.
he will not see
he won’t see
she will not be
she won’t be
it will not go
it won’t go
she will not have
she won’t have
1. Pers. Pl.
we will not see
we won’t see
we will not be
we won’t be
we will not go
we won’t go
we will not have
we won’t have
2. Pers. Pl.
you will not see
you won’t see
you will not be
you won’t be
you will not go
you won’t go
you will not have
you won’t have
3. Pers. Pl.
they will not see
they won’t see
they will not be
they won’t be
they will not go
they won’t go
they will not have
they won’t have
Bildung des „going-to-future“
Will man das „going to-future” verneinen, so kommt zuerst die konjugierte Verbform von „to be“, dann das Verneinungswort „not“, gefolgt von „going to“ und schliesslich die Grundform des Verbs.
to play
to cut
to be
to have
1. Pers. Sg.
I am not going to play
I’m not going to play
I am not going to cut
I’m not going to cut
I am not going to be
I’m not going to be
I am not going to have
I’m not going to have
2. Pers. Sg.
you are not going to play
you’re not going to play
you aren’t going to play
you are not going to cut
you’re not going to cut
you aren’t going to cut
you are not going to be
you’re not going to be
you aren’t going to be
you are not going to have
you’re not going to have
you aren’t going to have
3. Pers. Sg.
it is not going to play
it’s not going to play
it isn’t going to play
she is not going to cut
she’s not going to cut
she isn’t going to cut
he is not going to be
he’s not going to be
he isn’t going to be
she is not going to have
she’s not going to have
she isn’t going to have
1. Pers. Pl.
we are not going to play
we’re not going to play
we aren’t going to play
we are not going to cut
we’re not going to cut
we aren’t going to cut
we are not going to be
we’re not going to be
we aren’t going to be
we are not going to have
we’re not going to have
we aren’t going to have
2. Pers. Pl.
you are not going to play
you’re not going to play
you aren’t going to play
you are not going to cut
you’re not going to cut
you aren’t going to cut
you are not going to be
you’re not going to be
you aren’t going to be
you are not going to have
you’re not going to have
you aren’t going to have
3. Pers. Pl.
they are not going to play
they’re not going to play
they aren’t going to play
they are not going to cut
they’re not going to cut
they aren’t going to cut
they are not going to be
they’re not going to be
they aren’t going to be
they are not going to have
they’re not going to have
they aren’t going to have
Info 3: Vergangenheit
Bildung des „past simple“
Um das „past simple“ zu verneinen, gilt dieselbe Form für regelmässige und unregelmässige Verben (ausser „to be“). Hierzu muss man „did not“ und die Grundform des Verbs zusammenfügen.
to see
to be
to go
to have
1. Pers. Sg.
I did not see
I didn’t see
I was not
I wasn’t
I did not go
I didn’t go
I did not have
I didn’t have
2. Pers. Sg.
you did not see
you didn’t see
you were not
you weren’t
you did not go
you didn’t go
you did not have
you didn’t have
3. Pers. Sg.
he did not see
he didn’t see
she was not
she wasn’t
it did not go
it didn’t go
she did not have
she didn’t have
1. Pers. Pl.
we did not see
we didn’t see
we were not
we weren’t
we did not go
we didn’t go
we did not have
we didn’t have
2. Pers. Pl.
you did not see
you didn’t see
you were not
you weren’t
you did not go
you didn’t go
you did not have
you didn’t have
3. Pers. Pl.
they did not see
they didn’t see
they were not
they weren’t
they did not go
they didn’t go
they did not have
they didn’t have
Bildung des „past continuous“
Wenn das negative „past continuous” verlangt wird, kannst Du nach dem konjugierten Hilfsverb „to be“ und vor dem „present participle“ des Hauptverbs das Verneinungswort „not“ einfügen.
to see
to be
to go
to have
1. Pers. Sg.
I was not seeing
I wasn’t seeing
I was not being
I wasn’t being
I was not going
I wasn’t going
I was not going
I wasn’t going
2. Pers. Sg.
you were not seeing
you weren’t seeing
you were not being
you weren’t being
you were not going
you weren’t going
you were not going
you weren’t going
3. Pers. Sg.
he was not seeing
he wasn’t seeing
she was not being
she wasn’t being
it was not going
it wasn’t going
she was not going
she wasn’t going
1. Pers. Pl.
we were not seeing
we weren’t seeing
we were not being
we weren’t being
we were not going
we weren’t going
we were not going
we weren’t going
2. Pers. Pl.
you were not seeing
you weren’t seeing
you were not being
you weren’t being
you were not going
you weren’t going
you were not going
you weren’t going
3. Pers. Pl.
they were not seeing
they weren’t seeing
they were not being
they weren’t being
they were not going
they weren’t going
they were not going
they weren’t going
Bildung des „present perfect“
Wenn Du das „present perfect“ verneinen musst, setzt Du einfach das Verneinungswort „not“ nach dem konjugierten Hilfsverb „to have“ und vor dem „past participle“ (Partizip 2/Partizip Perfekt).
to see
to be
to go
to have
1. Pers. Sg.
I have not seen
I haven’t seen
I have not been
I haven’t been
I have not gone
I haven’t gone
I have not had
I haven’t had
2. Pers. Sg.
you have not seen
you haven’t seen
you have not been
you haven’t been
you have not gone
you haven’t gone
you have not had
you haven’t had
3. Pers. Sg.
he has not seen
he hasn’t seen
she has not been
she hasn’t been
it has not gone
it hasn’t gone
she has not had
she hasn’t had
1. Pers. Pl.
we have not seen
we haven’t seen
we have not been
we haven’t been
we have not gone
we haven’t gone
we have not had
we haven’t had
2. Pers. Pl.
you have not seen
you haven’t seen
you have not been
you haven’t been
you have not gone
you haven’t gone
you have not had
you haven’t had
3. Pers. Pl.
they have not seen
they haven’t seen
they have not been
they haven’t been
they have not gone
they haven’t gone
they have not had
they haven’t had
Verkürzungen („contractions“) kannst Du in der positiven Bedeutung bei Kurzantworten nicht verwenden, als Verneinungen jedoch schon. Ebenso solltest du in formaler, geschriebener Sprache (wenn Du bspw. eine wissenschaftliche Arbeit auf Englisch schreibst) keine Verkürzungen verwenden.
Are you hungry? – Yes, I’m.
Are you thirsty? – No, I’m not.
Mehr dazu
Lerne mit Grundlagen
Lerne in kleinen Schritten mit Theorieeinheiten und wende das Gelernte mit Übungssets an!
Teil 1
Fragen in den verschiedenen Zeitformen bilden
Teil 2
Vergangenheit: past simple/continuous und present/past perfect
Teil 3
Bildung und Verwendung des will-future und going-to-future
Teil 4
Bildung und Verwendung des present simple und present continuous
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Teil 5
Verneinungen in den verschiedenen Zeitformen bilden
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Häufig gestellte Fragen (FAQ)
Wie werden Verneinungen im Englischen gebildet?
Um einen Satz zu verneinen, wird nach dem konjugierten Verb ein „not“ hinzugefügt. Für das “present simple” und das „past simple“ muss man das Verneinungswort „not“ zusätzlich mit der konjugierten Form von „do“ verbinden. Zum Beispiel:
I did not/didn't see
Wann können „contractions“ (=Verkürzungen) nicht verwendet werden?
Bei positiven Kurzantworten mit „to be“ und in geschriebener Sprache können keine Verkürzungen verwendet werden.